
Looking for a job
We've Got You Covered!

Find Your Next Job?

At Labour-Tech Recruitment, we are dedicated to helping job seekers find employment opportunities that match their skills and experience. Our team of experienced recruiters specializes in placing candidates in the Industrial, Warehousing, Engineering, Office Administration, and Sales fields. Whether you are looking for temporary or permanent work, we can help you find the perfect job. Labour-Tech Recruitment is a leading recruitment agency in the heart of Cambridgeshire, with a proven track record of success in helping job seekers find their next employment opportunity. We take the time to understand your skills, experience, and career goals, and work with you every step of the way to find the right job for you.
the team here at Labour-Tech

What to expect

Experience and reliability

With experience in the area since 2001, we have built strong relationships with our clients and ensure the right candidate is matched to the right role.

Expert advice and guidance

Our experienced team of over 40 years are ready to help you along every step of the way including tips and advice on writing your CV and preparing for interviews

Recruitment Process

Lets Get Started

Ready to take the next step in your career? Submit your application and CV to begin your job search with Labour-Tech Recruitment today!

To get started, simply send your CV to One of our experienced recruiters will be in touch with you shortly to discuss your job search and how we can assist you.